Saturday 11 April 2015

The beginning of time

Man. Sent down from the heavens to culture the Earth and to worship God. From life in caves to mud huts. From the heights of trees to the luxuries of sky scrapers. Man has come a long way. We once burnt trees to give ourself light and heat. We spent hours chopping the wood and warming our furnaces, but that was long ago. Electricity. Man has championed and made himself him on this earth, winning in every battle he came across. Strength, survival and skill. This is what made man. But Stop. There is weakness! Food. Yes that's it, food. All this innovation and development, but what about the energy? What about our food? What is the source? A man needs his food. He wants to sit at a table and devour his dish, stuff his mouth and wants to pleasure his belly. But where to go? What to eat? Which menu? Which item?

These are the some of the hardest questions a man faces in his lifetime. Questions that could destroy him or make him. But worry not. I am here. If man wants food, we shall give it to him. The best of places; big or small. The posh restaurant or the local chippy. We shall cater. A 'dutty' burger or a curry infused with the rich spices of India.  Be prepared to see some of the most succulent and mouth watering dishes. But we warn you now, not all shall be good. We hope to taste, review and promote all dishes in their original light, some may be good, but others bad.

If you're a food lover who loves a good meal, keep a keen eye on this blog and all shall be yours.

Thank You

A manly man.

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